Women… on the money!

The year 2020 marks the one hundredth year anniversary of the 19th amendment. The 19th amendment is the amendment that guarantees women’s rights to vote. Many of the women who fought the battle had died before this amendment had finally passed through the man’s government. It took over seventy years of protest, petitions signed, injuries and even jail time for some women who had participated in the women’s rights movement. Times have changed a lot since then, but maybe not so much the views men still have of women.
A few days ago on CBS news, they discussed the vote for a woman of history to be recognized on paper money. It all started by a letter to President Obama from a little girl who asked why aren’t there any women on money in 2014. The last and only time a women was recognized on paper U.S. currency was on a $1 silver certificate in the years 1886, 1891, and 1896 who was the wife of one of Americas founding fathers; Martha Washington. The women who are candidates for the change of the $20 bill are:

Alice Paul
Betty Friedman
Rachel Carson
Margaret Sanger
Clara Barton
Frances Perkins
Shirley Chisholm
Sojourner Truth
Rosa Parks
Susan B. Anthony
Eleanor Roosevelt
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Barbara Jorden
Pasty Mink
Harriet Tubman


$20 (1)
All of these women have made sacrifices to their lives that assisted with developing who women are in America today. Many people including myself believe that they should be recognized in more than a text book.

The media seems shocked over this matter, yet not taken seriously. They may have not just come out and say it but the way it was presented on the news the first morning was by surprise. Barbara Ortiz Howard is one of the many people who are assisting with a vote for a woman on the money. During the interview, the interviewer asked Barbara straight out, “Do you think it will be a long shot?”

CBS 2 News

It seems as if the media does not care for it enough to be put on the TV news daily or newspaper, but a small section stating that this is being considered. There has not been many comments/post/tweets on social media that I could find, so I posted this information on a community page to see what others thought of the change of the $20 bill. I was not surprised by the comments and arguments by the people who reside in a small county in upstate New York. The contents of my Facebook post consisted of the website for information listed below and a simple question, “What are your thoughts on putting a women on a $20 bill and replacing Jackson?” The people who responded with one of the fifteen candidates’ names, the majority of them were women. A few joked with names of women today at first then added a candidates’ name. Comments that did not surprise me, but found disturbing. Individuals have made statements such as:
• “Andrew Jackson has my vote”
• “Only dead presidents should get the honor… so let’s put Obama on there now!” **Not only did this person make a disturbing remark, but displayed on social media that they do not know much about history or who is recognized on money. Not all persons use on money was president.**
• “Print Captain Kangaroo on it!!”
One person posted jokingly, Michelle Obama. The response:
• “Michelle Obama?? Would hope I would never get a $20 bill again… and if I did I would burn it!”
• “The monopoly GUY!”
• “I’d rather see ducks on money!” and last but not least;
• “Women belong in the kitchen NOT on money”

The majority that made these disturbing and disrespectful statements were in fact, men. Women have come so far, yet it is still stereotyped that men are the breadwinners and women are supposed to stay home.

Women deserve just as much respect as men, yet have to work ten times harder to get it.

The media make a bigger deal out of who is sleeping with who, especially when it comes to men who have government positions rather than a women that assisted in changing history for women today being recognized on everyday money.


Are Blondes Really Dumb?


It is perceived by the media that blondes are dumb. There are several movies such as Clueless, House Bunny, Legally Blonde and Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion. In these movies the blonde who plays the main character wears proactive clothing exposing their chest and heels, flirting with several men and perceiving themselves as dumb. Hollywood stars such as Paris Hilton is an example of the typical “dumb blonde.” She perceives herself as dumb and promiscuous. Are blondes really dumb and promiscuous? Does blonde hair really affect a woman’s intelligence?

There are so many blonde jokes that degrade blondes, blonde women in particular. Examples of blonde jokes include:

  1. Q: What does a blonde and a beer bottle have in common?

A: They are both empty from the neck up.blonde

This joke is perceiving that blondes have no brains or intelligence.

  1. Q: What’s a blondes mating call?

A: “I’m soooo drunk.”

  1. Q: Why don’t blondes talk when having sex?

A: Their mommies told them never speak to strangers.

What are these jokes perceiving? Are all blondes promiscuous? These jokes are degrading blonde women as well as insulting and undermining their intelligence.

As a matter of fact, studies have shown that blonde hair is not linked to intelligence. Everyone has their own DNA that differs from person to person. A switch of a letter the genetic code is responsible for lighter hair. The switch in the DNA only affects the hair follicle making hair blonde. Blonde hair is NOT linked to intelligence. So where did the myth of dumb blondes come from? Was it the media that started it years ago and continued to perceive blondes as dumb? Where did the dumb blonde come from? Why are the some of stars of Hollywood following the myth of the dumb blonde?

Obviously, blondes are not dumb by genetics. Some blondes follow the myth and the stereotype for their own personal gain. However, these blondes are going about it the wrong way. Blaming a bad day is not called a ‘blonde moment.’ Why do some blonde woblonde3men tend to dress provocatively? Is that what a ‘dumb blonde’ is supposed to do? It is quite obvious that the media has much impact on blondes, women in particular using this myth for their financial gain. Blondes should be themselves. Dress how they want to dress, not how they think they should dress because they are blonde and a blonde women should dress provocatively because the media and society expects them to dress like that. Young girls are learning that blondes are to be dumb and promiscuous. This is not true is it all a myth and was proven scientifically. So to all blondes: You are very smart, you have brains. Do not follow the myths. Put some comfortable clothes on and read your books, make everyone surprised that you are smarter than them!!

She works hard for the money

Why is it that women get paid less than men?

Women and men are supposed to be equal. I just read an article which was written after seeing the music video with the song “She works hard for the money” by Donna Summers. In the video it shows a mother of two working two jobs a day scrubbing the floors on her hands and knees, waiting on customers in a diner and then in a warehouse sewing to go home and care for the house and children. By the end of the day she is exhausted and has no time for herself end to read a book. This video was released in 1983, times may look different today but there are many women, mostly mothers and single mothers, that are still working two jobs to make ends meet. Then after working two jobs clean the house, cook dinner, check homework, do laundry etc. Then look at the chart of women median wages compared to men and they are making less. For example a woman cashier makes and average of $373 a week, a man cashier averages $411 a week. A woman social worker makes $798 a week when a man social worker makes $902 a week. It is unfair and unequal. There are single fathers however there are more single mothers that the fathers of the children decide not to work or work “off the books” so they don’t have to pay child support because they don’t want to give the mother any money thinking that mother’s get rich off of child support. Child support is what it stands for period. A mother has to put a roof over the child’s head, needs a bedroom for the child, lights, transportation to school and activities, etc. Women work twice as hard then most men and statistics say that women make less.

working women1

The link below is:
• The article read

• The chart of comparison

• The music video

Check it out. It was interesting to me and the video may be over 25 years old but all I could think about that things have not really changed in the life of a hard working woman.